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Rockville Pipeline Company

Annual Shareholders Meeting

March 5th 2008


Representatives of 76 shares were in attendance

With the existing 152 shares, 76 shares would comprise 50%.

Meeting was called to order at 8:20pm

Agenda item #1 - Minutes

Rob Snyder read the minutes from last year and a motion was made (by Barry Sochat) to accept minutes from last year as read, and seconded (by Jeff Ballard).  Motion carried.        

Agenda item #2 – Board Terms

            The terms for Jim Starling and Rob Snyder will expire in December 2008.  They will continue to serve through the 2009 Shareholders Meeting when a vote will be held.

Agenda item #3 – Review of Rate Increase

            Jim Starling reviewed the rate increase from two years ago.  The increase took effect at the beginning of the 2nd quarter (4/1/2006).  Jim also explained that $8,919.35 was paid to Springdale for emergency water last summer (up from $6700 the previous year).  There are a few users that continue to use far more than others in the summer months (over 50,000 gallons per month).  The rates may be increased in the near future for the highest end uses (over 30 or 40 thousand gallons per month).

Jim stated that one of the reasons for the rate increase was to encourage conservation.  Total use between 2006 and 2007 did decrease, which is a very good thing.  There is plenty of water for indoor use, but not enough for a large amount of outdoor use or yard watering

            Discussion took place on the possibility of alternative sources.  The Hydrogeological Report done for the town water resources in 2004 was discussed and it can be viewed on the company web site.

            The availability of monthly water use reports on the company web page as well as the top 20 users list posted on the town bulletin board (at the Post Office) was noted.  The possibility of including the top 20 users list in the Rockville Globe newsletter was discussed.

Agenda item #4 – Water Use Report and the Need for Conservation

            Rob Snyder submitted the Water Use Report and reviewed the highest water use months.  Annual over all use was 38% of allotment. 

Additional discussion took place regarding the need for conservation and the fact that even though our annual water right consists of 38,650,000 gallons, we can only provide what the wells produce and during the summer months we are pumping the maximum.


Agenda item #5 – System Report

Jim Starling reported that hydrants have been rebuilt or repaired.  He also reviewed the maintenance on the well. 

Numerous meters were replaced and back flow protection added.  The backflow prevention installations for the town are about 80% complete.


            There is plan to flush the system by the fire hydrants with the exact date to be announced.  The “phone tree” brown water warning system will be utilized.


Agenda item #6 – Pipeline Company Web Site

            The Rockville Pipeline Company web site was described.  The web page can be found on the Infowest domain, at http://www.infowest.com/personal/p/pipeline.  Also there is a link provided on the Rockville Town web page.  The Pipeline web page provides access to company information including the Board Member terms, the Articles of Incorporation, the Bylaws, the water rates, meeting minutes and water use reports.  Also available is information on water conservation and the Hydrogeological Report from 2004.  The monthly water usage report may be especially useful since water usage on billing statements is only sent out quarterly.


Agenda item #7 – Financial Statement

            Michael Evenson read the financial report for the year 2007.  The total income increased from the previous year’s annual income of $52,000 to $60,317.42.  The total debt was reduced by $8,200.


Agenda item #8 – Adjourn

Motion to adjourn was moved and seconded.  Meeting adjourned at 8:45pm